SJ Environmental Consultants (Windsor) Inc
Environmental Consultant
Windsor & Greater Region
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SJ Environmental Consultants (Windsor) Inc., was established in 1993 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada under the direction of Dr. Saad Jasim, P.Eng., who led the project of
implementing Ozone for drinking water treatment in Windsor, ON, providing the following services:
-Represented the firm as a “Technical Expert” during the Walkerton Enquiry, providing technical evaluation to the tragic outbreak of disease.
-Consulting services to resolve water quality and treatment problems in municipal, Private and Green House
-Solutions based on experience in operating and optimizing water treatment processes, and resolving issues related to disinfection, disinfectant by-products, turbidity, etc., to achieve
compliance with regulation.
-Design/construct of pilot plants as needed to address water quality challenges
-Contributed $40,000 for research to the University of Windsor
-Training to drinking water systems staff